ActivityIndicative actionsImplementing Body
Activity 1.1. Concept design/development of the User Interface Platform (guides, ToRs, rules of procedure…)- ACMAD participate in WMO-e meeting to customize guidelines for AfricaWMO for guidance documents, ACMAD and other RCCs to design UIP for Agriculture, Health and DRR
- Develop Terms of Reference (ToRs) including operating plans at continental level
- Use the guidelines, prepare ToRs and operation plans with RCCs and pilot countries for User interface and framework for climate service
Activity 1.2. Establishment/operationalization of continental User Interface for selected priority sector(s) (workshop to adopt rules of procedures and ToRs, specify, define, develop and operate services, feedback, quality assurance and control…)- ACMAD in collaboration with coordinators of the User interfaces (Agriculture, Health, DRR and Water) organizes one meeting on definition and specification of servicesACMAD for continental UIPs, other RCCs for Regional UIP and focus countries NMHSs for national UIPs supported by ACMAD
- ACMAD attend or organizes meetings to facilitate experimentation and piloting exercises needed to launch new or upgraded services. ACMAD will be responsible to liaise with AUC and these users and coordinate operational planning of meetings
- ACMAD organizes or support Regional Centres to organize twenty-five Regional Climate Outlook Fora (RCOFs) providing regional consensus seasonal climate outlooks and scenarios over five years with emphasis on services to health, agriculture and DRR User platforms.
Activity 1.3. Establishment and operationalization of national and regional User Interface Platforms for the selected priority sector(s) (ToRs, rules of procedure, needs, definition, specification, development, testing, operation of services, workshops…)- Given ACMAD experience, the centre will provide guidance and support its implementation by RCCs and pilot countries to establish and operate User InterfacesRCCs and NMHSs of focused countries with ACMAD technical assistance
- Capacity building – training of trainers. ACMAD will also provide Resource persons for the training on establishment and operation of User Interface
Activity 1.4. Assessment on Impact of the service at user level and effectiveness of UIP to collect user feedback in an organized manner to feed the UIP and the service development cycle (improvement of service) (survey questionnaire, workshops and webinars)- Develop criteria/tool for assessing the effectiveness of the use of climate services and impacts at regional, national and local levels. This will be done using the services of consultant or short-term Expert (STE).UNECA, WMO and JRC with ACMAD support on testing/validation
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
- Peer review of the services.