Activity 2.1. Enhance ACMAD capacities to produce, deliver and improve Climate Service, through Climate Service Information System (CSIS) at continental level.- ACMAD staff training reports on production, delivery and improvement of services
- Report on the status and development and human resources
Activity 2.2. Implement and Coordinate the Climate Services Information System (CSIS)- Climate Services development plans for health, DRR, water and agriculture sectors;
- Report on products and services generated and delivered;
- Pilot National and Regional technical notes supporting and guiding consensus discussions at REC level;
- Annual state of Africa's climate report;
- Consensus interregional climate outlooks statements;
- Report on the RCC-Africa operations and technical support to demonstration phases in developing RCCs
Activity 2.3. Ensure the adaptation of the eStation 2.0 and the relevant training for the data reception, processing and visualization, at the continental and sub-regional level.- Report on the design, development and test of the climate station ( JRC lead)
Activity 2.4. Establish and Improve Climate Data Management Systems (CDMS). (WMO)- Report on data rescue
- Climate data Management system software available for Regional centres and countries;
- Report on technical assistance to focused countries NMHSs and Regional Centres.
Activity 2.5. Provide thematic Priority Support to define Regional thematic products for Climate Services. (JRC/ACMAD)- Catalogue of new products;
- Training reports on data rescue;
Activity 2.6. Development and demonstration of a National Climate Services production chain. (ACMAD/WMO)- Technical assistance on methods, tools,products provided to Regions and Countries
- Catalogue of products for national climate information system.
Activity 2.7. Setting-up a quality assurance (scientifically based) mechanism for the entire service production chain (JRC)- Climate services quality policy and manual;
- Procedures and instructions manual;
- Report on the status of quality assurance in regions and pilot countries.