Activity 2.1. Enhance ACMAD capacities to produce, deliver and improve Climate Service, through Climate Service Information System (CSIS) at continental level. | - ACMAD staff training reports on production, delivery and improvement of services |
- Report on the status and development and human resources |
Activity 2.2. Implement and Coordinate the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) | - Climate Services development plans for health, DRR, water and agriculture sectors; |
- Report on products and services generated and delivered; |
- Pilot National and Regional technical notes supporting and guiding consensus discussions at REC level; |
- Annual state of Africa's climate report; |
- Consensus interregional climate outlooks statements; |
- Report on the RCC-Africa operations and technical support to demonstration phases in developing RCCs |
Activity 2.3. Ensure the adaptation of the eStation 2.0 and the relevant training for the data reception, processing and visualization, at the continental and sub-regional level. | - Report on the design, development and test of the climate station ( JRC lead) |
Activity 2.4. Establish and Improve Climate Data Management Systems (CDMS). (WMO) | - Report on data rescue |
- Climate data Management system software available for Regional centres and countries; |
- Report on technical assistance to focused countries NMHSs and Regional Centres. |
Activity 2.5. Provide thematic Priority Support to define Regional thematic products for Climate Services. (JRC/ACMAD) | - Catalogue of new products; |
- Training reports on data rescue; |
Activity 2.6. Development and demonstration of a National Climate Services production chain. (ACMAD/WMO) | - Technical assistance on methods, tools,products provided to Regions and Countries |
- Catalogue of products for national climate information system. |
Activity 2.7. Setting-up a quality assurance (scientifically based) mechanism for the entire service production chain (JRC) | - Climate services quality policy and manual; |
- Procedures and instructions manual; |
- Report on the status of quality assurance in regions and pilot countries. |
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