Activity 5.1. Implement appropriate communications and knowledge management models for effective climate services (ACP)- Climate statements and technical advices to AUC organs;Results include communication and visibility strategy and plan available, communication materials developed, side events another communication tools used
- Communication strategy, implementation plan and reports;
- Updates of the information portal;
- Communication and visibility materials and use reports.
Activity 5.2. Mainstream climate services into national, regional and continental policies and programmes. (ACMAD)- Briefs, statements for workshops and other events at science-policy interface;Results include guideline customized, briefs and statements to support development updates and training/workshops organized.
- Policies, strategies or sector development guidelines and/or plans updates using climate information
- Training reports
Activity 5.3. Bring added-value to climate services through integrating socio-economic elements (ACMAD)- Socio economic benefits and impact assessment tools Results include methods and tools for impact assessment transferred, climate information structured and contextualized with socio-economic elements integrated.
- Losses and damages assessments
- Impact based forecasts, risk based warnings and sections on damages and losses in annual state of Africa's climate reports